Wednesday, December 18, 2013

6 Months

Before and 6 Months
2 Day After 6 Month Adjustment

So, it has been 6 months since I had my braces put on.  Yesterday the ortho. filed the inside of my bottom teeth to help them fit.  His timelines can be hard to follow, but I believe that over the next month they should tuck in enough that he can pull down my lateral incisors.  That's really the only thing left to do as far as I am concerned. 

As you can see, my two front teeth (central incisors) are pretty much even in the front now.  This happened just last night.  He adjusted my bracket and the rotation (and pain) happened pretty much immediately.  My crossbite is officially gone now also.  This also happened overnight.  My lower canine is officially behind my upper canine & lateral incisor when I smile.  This part is not as evident in photos.  Can't wait to get these things off!
Update:  I can't believe how much my teeth have changed in one day.  The two photos on the right were taken one day apart!  The top photo is the day after the adjustment.  The bottom photo is one day later (this morning).

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